Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday 5/24/08


1. Tennessee
2. Nashville
3. Yellow
4. Chestnut-sided
5. Magnolia
6. Yellow-rumped
7. B.t. Green
8. Blackburnian
9. Bay-breasted
10. Blackpoll
11. Black & White
12. American Redstart
13. Prothonotary
14. Ovenbird
15. N. Waterthrush
16. Connecticut
17. Mourning
18. Common Yellowthroat
19. Wilson's
20. Canada

1. Red-eyed
2. Warbling

1. Veery
2. Swainson's
3. A. Robin

1. Eastern Wood Pewee
2. Willow Flycatcher
3. Least Flycatcher
4. Eastern Phoebe
5. Eastern Kingbird

1. Lincoln's
2. Song
3. White-throated
4. White-crowned - nature center feeders
5. Chipping - parking lot

1. N. Cardinal & Blue jays
2. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
3. Baltimore Oriole & Cedar Waxwing
4. Black-capped Chickadee - taking food into a tree cavity feeding young!! YES
5. G. Catbird & House Wren
6. R.t. Hummingbird
7. A. Woodcock
8. E. Screech Owl
9. Common Terns
10. Bald Eagle - immature & Osprey
11. Tree & Barn Swallows + Purple Martins
12. Downy Woodpecker & N. Flicker
13. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
14. Trumpeter Swans - heard

Beach area's
1. Dunlin
2. Ruddy Turnstones
3. D.c. Cormorant
4. Great Blue Heron
5. Great Egret
6. Herring Gull
7. Killdeer
8. Common Terns

The winds will change on Sunday and Monday should be a great day!!
The 3rd & final wave will hit us with lots of warblers including
Connecticut Warblers, flycatchers, and cuckoo's.
See you Monday birders!!! - Chris Knoll

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday - 5/21/08

Boardwalk & trails near the nature center

1. Golden-winged - 1 pair
2. Connecticut - 1 late afternoon at the east end!!
3. Blackpoll - lots
4. A. Redstart
5. Chestnut-sided
6. Nashville - on the trails
7. Canada
8. N. Parula
9. Prothonotary - both places
10. Yellow
11. C. Yellowthroat
12. Black & White
13. N. Waterthrush
14. Ovenbird - trail
15. Hooded - 2 on the trails
16. Magnolia
17. B.t. Green
18. B.t. Blue
19. Blackburnian
20. Wilson's
21. Yellow-rumped
22. Bay-breasted
23. Tennessee
24. Cape May
25. W. Palm

1. Red-eyed
2. Yellow-throated
3. Warbling
4. Blue-headed
5. White-eyed

1. Swainson's & Gray-cheeked Thrush
2. Veery & A. Robins & M. Doves
3. Baltimore & Orchard Oriole - trails
4. A. Woodcock & E. Screech Owl
5. Chimney Swift & R.t. Hummingbird
6. Purple Martin, Tree, Barn, Bank & Cliff Swallows
7. White-crowned, White-throated, Song, Swamp & Chipping Sparrows
8. Common Nighthawk & Cedar Waxwings
9. House Wrens, R.c. & G.c. Kinglets
10. Scarlet Tanager, N. Cardinal, Gray Catbird, Brown Thrasher
11. Trumpeter Swans - 6 flew right over the nature center
12. Least Flycatcher, E. Kingbird, E. Wood Pewee & E. Phoebe
13. B.h. Cowbirds, Grackles. Rwbb, A. Goldfinch
14. Mallards & Canada Geese with young - causeway
15. Sora - heard
16. G. Blue Heron, G. Egret, Killdeer
17. Bald Eagle

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday - May 20. 2008

Boardwalk birds

1. Tennessee
2. Orange-crowned
3. Nashville
4. N. Parula
5. Yellow
6. Chestnut-sided
7. Magnolia
8. Cape May
9. B.t. Blue
10. Yellow-rumped
11. B.t. Green
12. Blackburnian
13. W. Palm
14. Bay-breasted
15. Blackpoll
16. Black & White
17. A. Redstart
18. Prothonotary
19. Ovenbird
20. N. Waterthrush
21. Mourning
22. C. Yellowthroat
23. Wilson's
24. Canada

1. White-eyed
2. Red-eyed
3. Philadelphia
4. Warbling
5. Blue-headed

1. Least
2. Willow
3. E. Wood Pewee
4. Eastern Phoebe
5. Great-crested
6. Eastern Kingbird

1. Gray-cheeked
2. Veery
3. Swainson's
4. A. Robin

Sparrows, Grosbeaks, Tanagers, & Orioles
1. Song & Swamp
2. Lincoln's
3. D.e. Junco - 1 last night !!!
4. White-throated & White-crowned
5. Scarlet Tanager
6. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
7. N. Cardinal
8. Baltimore Oriole
9. Orchard Oriole

Other species
1. G.c. & R.c. Kinglet
2. House & Carolina Wren
3. B.g. Gnatcatcher & Cedar Waxwings
4. Gray Catbird & Brown Thrasher
5. Brown Creeper & B.c. Chickadee
6. Downy & Red-bellied Woodpecker, N. Flicker
7. Belted Kingfisher & R.t. Hummingbird
8. A. Goldfinch, House Finch & M. Dove
9. Purple Martin, Tree, Bank, & Barn Swallows

1. Killdeer
2. Ruddy Turnstones
3. R.b. & Herring Gulls
4. Common Terns

Causeway - marsh areas
1. Canada Geese - with young
2. Wood Duck
3. Mallard
4. Blue-winged Teal
5. Trumpeter Swan
6. D.c. Cormorant
7. G. Blue & Green Herons
8. Great Egrets
9. Bald Eagle
10. Turkey Vulture

S.M.B.C. - nature center, trails & tower
1. Orchard Oriole - 1st year male
2. White-crowned Sparrows - feeders
3. B.g. Gnatcatcher
4. Prothonotary, Yellow, C. Yellowthroat, N. Parula
5. Wilson's, Tennessee, Nashville, N. Waterthrush
6. C. Grackle, Cowbird. Rwbb, House & Goldlfinch - feeders
7. M. Dove & N. Cardinal - feeders

Garlic Mustard pull - today, 24 bags-full collected!!!!!
Thanks to all the volunteers for your help.
Last dates to pull are: 5/21, 5/22, 5/27, 5/28 & 5/29/08
From 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. - Chris

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday 5/19/08


1. Connecticut - singing with great views & photo's all day to darkness!!!
2. Mourning
3. Canada
4. Hooded
5. Yellow-rumped
6. A. Redstart
7. Bay-breasted
8. Black & White
9. Blackburnian
10. Black-throated Blue
11. Black-throated Green
12. Blackpoll
13. Yellow
14. Cape May
15. Chestnut-sided
16. C. Yellowthroat
17. Magnolia
18. Nashville
19. N. Parula
20. N. Waterthrush
21. Ovenbird
22. W. Palm
23. Prothonotary
24. Tennessee
25. Wilson's
26. Orange-crowned - p.m.

1. Blue-headed
2. Philadelphia
3. Red-eyed
4. Warbling

1. Veery
2. Swainson's
3. A. Robin
4. Gray-cheeked - p.m.

1. Olive-sided Fly
2. Willow Fly - road near speed bumps
3. Least Fly
4. Great-crested Fly
5. Eastern Phoebe
6. Eastern Kingbird
7. Yellow-bellied Fly - p.m.

1. Black-billed Cuckoo
2. Whip-poor-will
3. C. Nighthawk - p.m.
4. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
5. Baltimore Oriole
6. Scarlet Tanager
7. R.b. Grosbeak
8. Indigo Bunting
9. White-crowned & White-throated Sparrows
10. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds - east end
11. Dark-eyed Junco - late bird!!!!

Beach area's
1. Common Terns
2. Tree & Barn Swallows + Purple Martins
3. Flock of peeps - flyovers
4. Spotted Sandpiper
5. Sanderling
6. Ruddy Turnstone
7. Bald Eagle

Causeway - marsh area's
1. Trumpeter Swans - heard
2. Great Blue Heron
3. Great Egret
4. Mallard & Canada Geese with young

S.M.B.C. + walking trails
1. Prothonotary Warblers - 1 pair - short trail behind center
2. Yellow, C. Yellowthroat, N. Parula
3. Tennessee, A. Redstart, Magnolia
4. Orchard Oriole - 1st year male singing near center
5. Brown Thrasher - long walking trail
6. White-crowned Sparrows - feeders
7. B.h. Cowbird, C. Grackle, Rwbb, A. Goldfinch - feeders
8. N. Cardinal, M. Dove, Chipping & House Sparrows - feeders
9. Field Sparrow - singing near the center.
10. Carolina Wren - singing behind the center

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday 5/18/08

Boardwalk in the a.m.

1. Tennessee
2. Nashville
3. N. Parula
4. Yellow
5. Chestnut-sided
6. Magnolia
7. Cape May
8. Magnolia
9. Cape May
10. B.t. Blue
11. Yellow-rumped
12. B.t. Green
13. Blackburnian
14. W. Palm
15. Bay-breasted
16. Blackpoll
17. Black & White
18. A. Redstart
19. Prothonotary - trail by nature center
20. Ovenbird
21. N. Waterthrush
22. C. Yellowthroat
23. Wilson's
24. Mourning
25. Connecticut
26. Canada
27. Orange-crowned - p.m.

Other species
1. Olive-sided & Great-crested Flycatcher
2. Least & Willow Flycatcher
3. Eastern Kingbird & E. Phoebe & E. Wood Pewee
4. A. Woodcock, A. Goldfinch, C. Grackle, Rwbb, B.h. Cowbird, & E. Starling
5. Phila, Blue-headed, Red-eyed, White-eyed and Warbling Vireo
6. Black-billed Cuckoo & Gray Catbird
7. Cedar Waxwings & Ruby-crowned Kinglets
8. White-throated, White-crowned, Lincoln's, Swamp & Song Sparrows
9. Indigo Bunting & Scarlet Tanager & Rose-breasted Grosbeak
10. Baltimore & Orchard Oriole
11. Blue jay - large flock
12. A. Robin, Hermit, Gray-cheeked, Wood, & Swainson's Thrush
13. B.g. Gnatcatcher - p.m.
14. Whip-poor-will - p.m.
15. House Wrens - many & Northern Cardinals
16. Black-capped Chickadee & Red-breasted Nuthatch
17. Bald Eagle & Turkey Vulture

Beach areas
1. Common & Forster's Terns
2. Tree, Barn, & N. Rough-winged Swallows
3. Ruddy Turnstones
4. Sanderlings
5. Spotted Sandpiper

Marsh - causeway
1. Trumpeter Swans
2. Great & Snowy Egret
3. Great Blue Heron

S.M.B.C. - nature center & walking trails
1. Orchard Oriole - 1 male still singing in parking lot!
2. White-crowned Sparrow - feeders
3. Prothonotary Warblers - 1 pair on walking trail

LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE - Route 19 south, 1/2 mile down from route 2 on the wire!

Saturday 5/17/08


1. B.t. Green
2. B.t. Blue
3. N. Parula
4. Nashville
5. Cape May
6. A. Redstart
7. Magnolia
8. Wilson's
9. Blackburnian
10. Bay-breasted
11. Blackpoll
12. Chestnut-sided
13. Yellow-rumped
14. Connecticut
15. Mourning
16. Canada
17. Black & White
18. C. Yellowthroat
19. Yellow
20. Hooded
21. N. Waterthrush
22. Orange-crowned
23. Ovenbird
24. Palm
25. Prothonotary
26. Tennessee
27. Nashville

1. Red-eyed
2. White-eyed
3. Warbling
4. Yelow-throated
5. Philadelphia
6. Blue-headed

1. Least
2. Great-crested
3. E. Phoebe
4. E. Kingbird

Other birds
1. Scarlet Tanager
2. Cedar Waxwings
3. Baltimore Oriole
4. E. Screech Owl
5. R.c. Kinglet
6. House Wren
7. G. Catbird
8. Bald Eagle
9. Common & Forster's Terns
10. Song, White-throated, & Swamp Sparrows
11. Yellow-billed Cuckoo

S.M.B.C. - nature center & trails
1. Baltimore & Orchard Orioles
2. White-crowned Sparrows
3. Tree & Barn Swallows, + Purple Martins
4. B.h. Cowbirds, C. Grackles & Rwbb
5. A. Goldfinch

1. King & Virginia Rail, + Sora - heard
2. Great Blue & Green Heron
3. Great Egret