Saturday 5/24/08
1. Tennessee
2. Nashville
3. Yellow
4. Chestnut-sided
5. Magnolia
6. Yellow-rumped
7. B.t. Green
8. Blackburnian
9. Bay-breasted
10. Blackpoll
11. Black & White
12. American Redstart
13. Prothonotary
14. Ovenbird
15. N. Waterthrush
16. Connecticut
17. Mourning
18. Common Yellowthroat
19. Wilson's
20. Canada
1. Red-eyed
2. Warbling
1. Veery
2. Swainson's
3. A. Robin
1. Eastern Wood Pewee
2. Willow Flycatcher
3. Least Flycatcher
4. Eastern Phoebe
5. Eastern Kingbird
1. Lincoln's
2. Song
3. White-throated
4. White-crowned - nature center feeders
5. Chipping - parking lot
1. N. Cardinal & Blue jays
2. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
3. Baltimore Oriole & Cedar Waxwing
4. Black-capped Chickadee - taking food into a tree cavity feeding young!! YES
5. G. Catbird & House Wren
6. R.t. Hummingbird
7. A. Woodcock
8. E. Screech Owl
9. Common Terns
10. Bald Eagle - immature & Osprey
11. Tree & Barn Swallows + Purple Martins
12. Downy Woodpecker & N. Flicker
13. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
14. Trumpeter Swans - heard
Beach area's
1. Dunlin
2. Ruddy Turnstones
3. D.c. Cormorant
4. Great Blue Heron
5. Great Egret
6. Herring Gull
7. Killdeer
8. Common Terns
The winds will change on Sunday and Monday should be a great day!!
The 3rd & final wave will hit us with lots of warblers including
Connecticut Warblers, flycatchers, and cuckoo's.
See you Monday birders!!! - Chris Knoll
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