Magee Marsh bird census, Sept. 15
Hello Friends,
I had a great time this morning with Sandy Britt and Barbara Marbut, two birders from southern Illinois who are in town for the Midwest Birding Symposium. We missed Chris Knoll, who was planning on coming but was under the weather this morning. Here is what we saw in a half days’ time:
Canada goose
Wood duck
Blue-winged teal
Double-crested cormorant
Great blue heron
Great egret
Bald eagle
Lesser yellowlegs
Ring-billed gull
Herring gull
Caspian tern
Mourning dove
Belted kingfisher
Red-headed woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Northern flicker
Eastern phoebe
Blue-headed vireo
Warbling vireo
Philadelphia vireo
Red-eyed vireo
Black-capped chickadee
White-breasted nuthatch
Marsh wren
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Gray-cheeked thrush
Swainson’s thrush
American robin
Gray catbird
Brown thrasher
European starling
Cedar waxwing
Magnolia warbler
Black-throated blue warbler
Blackpoll warbler
American redstart
Common yellowthroat
Canada warbler
Dark-eyed junco
Northern cardinal
Red-winged blackbird
Common grackle
American goldfinch
House sparrow
This was my last count for the season:( Mary will be doing the census on Tuesday, October 20 next month. Let her know if you are interested in coming.