Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bird Count Postponed till Sunday - Oct. 18

Hi All,

Due to the Wildlife Area being closed, today's Bird Count has been postponed until Sunday, October 18.

Chris Knoll will be performing the count. If you would like to assist, you will need to catch up with him on the causeway, wildlife beach, boardwalk or the trails behind the Bird Center. The count is performed in that order. Staff at the Bird Center may be able to point you in his direction.

Today it was raining and windy, with temperatures in the low 40's.
I met up with Mary and Chris to perform the count but due to the closure, the count was postponed.

Bird seen/heard in the Wildlife area today...

Great Egret - 5 on the entrance pond on the left.
Blue Heron - 1 in the ditch opposite the entrance pond.
Golden-crowned Kinglet - numerous chipping around the Bird Center.
Tree Swallows - 60 plus - flocking to the right of the entrance road.

Another observation - this from Perrysburg - The Dark-eyed Junco's are back! One was at our feeder Monday afternoon.