Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday 5/16/08


1. Connecticut -1
2. Mourning - many
3. Orange-crowned - 1
4. Blackburnian
5. B.t. Blue
6. B.t. Green
7. N. Parula
8. Nashville
9. Tennessee
10. Yellow
11. C. Yellowthroat
12. Magnolia
13. Chestnut-sided
14. Cape May
15. W. Palm
16. Yellow-rumped
17. Black & White
18. A. Redstart
19. N. Waterthrush
20. Wilson's
21. Canada
22. Hooded
23. Bay-breasted

1. Red-eyed
2. White-eyed
3. Warbling
4. Philadelphia

1. A. Robin
2. Veery
3. Swainson's
4. G.c. Thrush

1. E. Phoebe
2. E. Kingbird
3. G.c. Flycatcher
4. Least Flycatcher
5. Willow Flycatcher - road near speed bumps
6. E. Wood Pewee

1. Song
2. Lincoln's
3. White-throated
4. White-crowned
5. Swamp

1. Scarlet Tanager
2. R.b. Grosbeak
3. Baltimore Oriole
4. E. Screech Owl
5. R.c. Kinglet
6. House Wren
7. G. Catbird

S.M.B.C. & nature center trails
1. Orchard & Baltimore Orioles
2. Hooded Warbler - male
3. Kentucky Warbler - last night
4. Yellow, C. Yellowthroat, A. Redstart, Y.b. Chat
5. Palm, Black & White, Prothonotary Warblers
6. Brown Thrasher - on the road - just past the nature center
7. Chipping, Song, and White-crowned Sparrows
8. Tree & Barn Swallows, + Purple Martins
9. B.h. Cowbirds, C. Grackles, Rwbb, House Sparrows, A. Goldfinch

1. Green Heron
2. Great Blue Heron
3. Great Egret
4. Bald Eagle

Saturday should be very good!!! Chris

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday - 5/14/08

Boardwalk Birds

1. Blue-winged
2. Golden-winged
3. Lawrence's hybrid
4. Tennessee
5. Orange-crowned
6. Nashville
7. N. Parula
8. Yellow
9. Chestnut-sided
10. Magnolia
11. Cape May
12. B.t. Blue
13. Yellow-rumped
14. B.t. Green
15. Blackburnian
16. Western Palm
17. Bay-breasted
18. Blackpoll
19. Black & White
20. A. Redstart
21. Ovenbird
22. N. Waterthrush
23. Kentucky
24. Mourning
25. C. Yellowthroat
26. Hooded - f
27. Wilson's
28. Canada
29. Y.b. Chat

1. White-eyed
2. Blue-eyed
3. Warbling
4. Red-eyed
5. Warbling
6. Philadelphia

1. E. Wood Pewee
2. Acadian Fly
3. Least Fly
4. Eastern Phoebe
5. Great-crested Fly
6. E. Kingbird

1. A. Robin
2. Verry
3. Gray-cheeked
4. Swainson's
5. Wood

1. Song
2. Swamp
3. White-throated
4. White-crowned
5. Field

Other birds seen on boardwalk
1. B.b. & Y.b. Cuckoo's
2. Scarlet Tanager - f
3. R.b. Grosbeaks & N. Cardinal
4. Balt. & Orchard Oriole
5. Indigo Bunting
6. A. Goldfinch
7. R.c. Kinglet
8. House & Marsh Wren
9. B.g. Gnatcatcher
10. G. Catbird
11. Cedar Waxwings
12. Downy & Hairy Woodpecker
13. N. Flicker
14. Chimney Swift
15. R.t. Hummingbird
16. Sora & Virginia Rail
17. B.c. Chickadee
18. Blue jay & A. Crow
19. Rwbb, C. Grackle, B.h. Cowbird, & E. Starling

Beach & edges
1. Ruddy Turnstone
2. Spotted Sandpiper
3. Killdeer
4. Tree, Barn, Cliff, Bank Swallows, & Purple Martins
5. Common & Forster's Terns
6. R.b. Gulls
7. Bald Eagle
8. M. Dove
9. Chipping & House Sparrow

1. Great Blue Heron
2. Great Egret
3. C. Moorhen
4. A. Coot
5. P.b. Grebe
6. Trumpeter Swan
7. R.b. Gull
8. D.c. Cormorant
9. Mallard
10. Wood Duck
11. Blue-winged Teal
12. C. Geese with young
13. Swamp & Song Sparrow

S.M.B.C. & Trails
1. White-crowned Sparrows - at feeders
2. Orchard Oriole - singing near parking lot
3. Barn, Tree, and Purple Martins