Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday - May 20. 2008

Boardwalk birds

1. Tennessee
2. Orange-crowned
3. Nashville
4. N. Parula
5. Yellow
6. Chestnut-sided
7. Magnolia
8. Cape May
9. B.t. Blue
10. Yellow-rumped
11. B.t. Green
12. Blackburnian
13. W. Palm
14. Bay-breasted
15. Blackpoll
16. Black & White
17. A. Redstart
18. Prothonotary
19. Ovenbird
20. N. Waterthrush
21. Mourning
22. C. Yellowthroat
23. Wilson's
24. Canada

1. White-eyed
2. Red-eyed
3. Philadelphia
4. Warbling
5. Blue-headed

1. Least
2. Willow
3. E. Wood Pewee
4. Eastern Phoebe
5. Great-crested
6. Eastern Kingbird

1. Gray-cheeked
2. Veery
3. Swainson's
4. A. Robin

Sparrows, Grosbeaks, Tanagers, & Orioles
1. Song & Swamp
2. Lincoln's
3. D.e. Junco - 1 last night !!!
4. White-throated & White-crowned
5. Scarlet Tanager
6. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
7. N. Cardinal
8. Baltimore Oriole
9. Orchard Oriole

Other species
1. G.c. & R.c. Kinglet
2. House & Carolina Wren
3. B.g. Gnatcatcher & Cedar Waxwings
4. Gray Catbird & Brown Thrasher
5. Brown Creeper & B.c. Chickadee
6. Downy & Red-bellied Woodpecker, N. Flicker
7. Belted Kingfisher & R.t. Hummingbird
8. A. Goldfinch, House Finch & M. Dove
9. Purple Martin, Tree, Bank, & Barn Swallows

1. Killdeer
2. Ruddy Turnstones
3. R.b. & Herring Gulls
4. Common Terns

Causeway - marsh areas
1. Canada Geese - with young
2. Wood Duck
3. Mallard
4. Blue-winged Teal
5. Trumpeter Swan
6. D.c. Cormorant
7. G. Blue & Green Herons
8. Great Egrets
9. Bald Eagle
10. Turkey Vulture

S.M.B.C. - nature center, trails & tower
1. Orchard Oriole - 1st year male
2. White-crowned Sparrows - feeders
3. B.g. Gnatcatcher
4. Prothonotary, Yellow, C. Yellowthroat, N. Parula
5. Wilson's, Tennessee, Nashville, N. Waterthrush
6. C. Grackle, Cowbird. Rwbb, House & Goldlfinch - feeders
7. M. Dove & N. Cardinal - feeders

Garlic Mustard pull - today, 24 bags-full collected!!!!!
Thanks to all the volunteers for your help.
Last dates to pull are: 5/21, 5/22, 5/27, 5/28 & 5/29/08
From 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. - Chris


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