Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday - May 3, 2008


1. Blue-winged
2. Tenn.
3. Nashville
4. N. Parula
5. Yellow
6. Chestnut-sided
7. Magnolia
8. Cape May
9. B.t. Blue
10. Yellow-rumped
11. B.t. Green
12. Pine
13. Palm
14. Blackpoll
15. Cerulean - 1 female
16. Black & White
17. A. Redstart
18. Prothonotary
19. Ovenbird
20. N. Waterthrush
21. L. Waterthrush
22. C. Yellowthroat
23. Hooded Warbler
24. Y.b. Chat

1. White-eyed
2. Blue-headed
3. Warbling
4. Red-eyed

Other birds on boardwalk
1. Y.b. Cuckoo - 1
2. Scarlet Tanager - 2
3. E. Phoebe
4. B.C. Chickadee
5. Downy W. & N. Flicker
6. House Wrens
7. R.C. Kinglets
8. B.g. Gnatcatchers
9. Veery & A. Robin
10. G.c., Wood, Hermit, & Swainson's Thrush
11. Gray Catbirds
12. E. Towhee
13. Bald Eagle
14. Chipping, Song, Swamp, & Lincoln's Sparrows
15. White-throated Sparrows
16. R.b. Grosbeak & N. Cardinal
17. Sora - heard

Loop trail near nature center
1. Y.b. Chat - 1
2. E. Kingbird - 1
3. Rusty Blackbird - heard 1
4. Green Herons - 2
5. SS Hawk - 1
6. W.t. & W.c. Sparrows
7, Yellow-rumped & Palm Warblers
8. Yellows & Blue-winged Warbler
9. C. Yellowthroat

S.M.B.C. - nature center
1. Indigo Bunting - 1 male
2. D.e. Junco - 1
3. White-crowned Sparrows - 14
4. Purple Martins
5. Tree & Barn Swallows
6. Baltimore Oriole - 1 male
7. RWBB, Grackles & B.h. Cowbirds
8. A. Goldfinch - lots of yellow males
9. Chimney Swifts - 2

Wildlife Beach
1. Prairie Warbler - 1 male & singing
2. Blue-headed & White-eyed Vireo
3. Tennessee Warbler
4. Killdeer
5. Solitary Sandpiper
6. Ruddy Duck - on the lake
7. Lesser Scaup - on the lake
8. D.c. Cormorants

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday 5/2/08


1. Blue-winged
2. Nashville
3. Yellow
4. Chestnut-sided
5. Magnolia
6. Black-throated Blue
7. Yellow-rumped
8. Black-throated Green
9. Blackburnian
10. Yellow-throated - 1 bird
11. Pine
12. Palm
13. Blackpoll
14. Black & White
15. American Redstart
16. Ovenbird
17. N. Waterthrush
18. C. Yellowthroat
19. Hooded
20. Wilson's
21. Tennessee

1. White-eyed
2. Blue-headed
3. Warbling
4. Philadelphia

1. Sharp-shinned Hawk
2. Sora - heard
3. C. Tern
4. Whip-poor-will
5. Downy Woodpecker
6. N. Flicker
7. M. Dove
8. G.C. Flycatcher
9. Tree Swallow
10. Barn Swallow
11. Purple Martin
12. B.C. Chickadee
13. Blue jay
14. House & Winter Wren
15, R.C. & G.C. Kinglet
16. Veery & A. Robin
17. Wood, Swainson's, Gray-cheeked & Hermit Thrush
18. Gray Catbird
19. Chipping, Song, & Swamp Sparrows
20. White-throated & White-crowned Sparrows
21. N. Cardinal
22. R.b. Grosbeak
23. Indigo Bunting
24. RWBB, C. Grackle & B.h. Cowbird
25. Baltimore Oriole
26. American Golldfinch - nature center
27. House Sparrow - nature center


1. Great-blue & Green Heron
2. Great Egret
3. D.c. Cormorant
4. A. Coot
5. Mallard
6. S.b. Dowitcher


1. Spotted Sandpiper
2. Killdeer
3. Herring & Bonaparte's Gull
4. Common Tern

Saturday should be very good people!!!! Chris

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday - April 30, 2008

Wildlife Observation Tower

1. A. White Pelican - flyover
2. Bald Eagle
3. Sharp-shinned Hawk
4. Broad-winged Hawk
5. Red-tailed Hawk
6. Turkey Vulture

Boardwalk & Nature Center

1. Blue-winged Warbler
2. Yellow Warbler
3. Cape May Warbler
4. Black-throated Blue Warbler
5. Yellow-rumped Warbler
6. Black-throated Green Warbler
7. W. Palm Warbler
8. Blackpoll
9. Black & White Warbler
10. Worm-eating Warbler - 3
11. N. Waterthrush
12. C. Yellowthroat
13. Hooded Warbler
14. Yellow-breasted Chat
15. Warbling Vireo
16. Red-eyed Vireo
17. Veery
18. Swainson's Thrush
19. Hermit Thrush
20. Wood Thrush
21. A. Robin
22. Chipping Sparrow
23. Lincoln's Sparrow
24. White-throated Sparrow
25. White-crowned Sparrow
26. Swamp Sparrow
27. Song Sparrow
28. N. Cardinal
29. R.b. Grosbeak
30. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
31. R.C. Kinglet
32. Gray Catbird
33. House Wren
34. Carolina Wren
35. Winter Wren
36. E. Phoebe
37. Blue jay
38. Purple Martin
39. Tree Swallow
40. Barn Swallow
41. B.C. Chickadee
42. Downy Woodpecker
43. N. Flicker
44. RWBB
45. C. Grackle
46. B.H. Cowbird
47. M. Dove
48. A. Goldfinch
49. House Sparrow

Causeway & Beach

1. Great Blue Heron
2. Green Heron
3. Great Egret
3. Mallard
4. Blue-winged Teal
5. Wood Duck
6. Canada Goose
7. A. Coot
8. D.C. Cormorant
9. Killdeer
10. C. Tern
11. R.B. Gull
12. Herring Gull