Thursday, June 26, 2008

June Bird Census

The heat and biting insects were annoying, but Mary and I managed to see 54 species of birds in about 5 hours............We do a monthly bird census usually the third week of the month. If you'd like to join us for one, just let us know.

1. Pied-billed grebe 10 Including 2 families some young still had head stripes

2. Great Blue Heron 22

3. Double-crested cormorant 1

4. Green Heron 2

5. Great Egrets 22

6. Black-crowned night-herons

7. LEAST BITTERNS! 4 This was definitely the highlight!

8. Trumpeter Swan 2

9. Canada Goose 71 (Goose round-up is Monday, they are all hiding!)

10. Mallard 89 Most flying over in a huge flock

11. Wood Duck 13 A common nester here

12. COMMON MOORHEN 3 A nice view with 2 young1

13. Killdeer 9

14. Ruddy Turnstone 1 One loner on the wildlife beach

15. Herring Gull 4

16. Ring-billed Gull 1

17. Common Tern 8 Watched many hunt over the canals up close

18. Mourning Dove 10

19. Yellow-billed cuckoo 1

20. Northern Flicker 7

21. Downy Woodpecker 9

22. Eastern Kingbird 5

23. Great-crested flycatcher 3

24. Eastern Phoebe 1

25. Willow Flycatcher 3

26. Eastern Pewee 4

27. Tree Swallow 8

28. Barn Swallow 20

29. Purple Martin 19 We hope to add two more houses next year

30. Black-capped chickadee 3 Nested on the boardwalk

31. House Wren 29 Wow, a good year for them!

32. Carolina Wren 2

33. Marsh Wren 5

34. Gray Catbird 31 A very common nester here

35. Brown Thrasher 2

36. A. Robin 47

37. Cedar Waxwing 14

38. E. Starling 39

39. Red-eyed vireo 1

40. Warbling Vireo 20

41. Prothonotary Warbler 1 On the boardwalk.

42. Yellow Warbler 75 Sweet Sweet Sweet, I'm so sweet

43. Common Yellowthroat 36


45. Red-winged Blackbird 145 Most common bird in the marsh this month

46. Common grackle 43

47. Brown-headed cowbird 8

48. N. Cardinal 16

49. Indigo Bunting 2

50. Chipping Sparrow 1

51. Swamp Sparrow 22

52. Song Sparrow 24

53. A. Goldfinch 5

54. House Sparrow 8

Monday, June 23, 2008

Friends of Magee Marsh 3-day trip

June 16,17,18 2008 + Edna & Chris's extended 2-day trip

Bird List for the trip as follows:

1. Canada Geese - only a few places
2. Wood Ducks & young - stream near the Hebron fish hatchery
3. Mallards - dock at Cranberry Bog
4. Blue-winged Teal - wetlands at the Hebron fish hatchery
5. D.C. Cormorant - in tree at Buckeye Lake
6. Great Blue Herons - several places
7. Green Herons - Dawes Arboretum wetlands, Blackhand Gorge, Hebron fish hatchery
8. Turkey Vultures - everywhere, but no Black Vultures!!!
9. Cooper's Hawk - Mary saw one at our cabins
10. Red-tailed Hawk - several places
11. Killdeer - nice looks at the fish hatchery
12. Spotted Sandpiper - 1 pair at the fish hatchery
13. Least Sandpiper - Dawes Arboretum wetlands
14. Rock Pigeon - far and few!!
15. Mourning Dove - several places
16. Barred Owl - heard one night at our cabins
17. Common Nighthawks - in Newark one evening
18. Chimney Swifts - several places
19. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds - at the Octagon Mound first!
20. Belted Kingfisher - nice looks near the fish hatchery
21. Red-bellied Woodpeckers - several places
22. Downy Woodpeckers - Blackhand Gorge
23. Hairy Woodpeckers - Blackhand Gorge
24. Northern Flicker - Blackhand Gorge & Flint Ridge
25. Eastern Wood Pewee - heard at Blackhand Gorge + other places
26. Acadian Flycatchers - Blackhand Gorge
27. Great-crested Flycatcher - heard at Blackhand Gorge & Flint Ridge
28. Eastern Phoebes - seen at Flint Ridge first!
29. Eastern Kingbird - at the Dawes Arboretum wetlands first!
30. White-eyed Vireo - Blackhand Gorge
31. Yellow-throated Vireo - Blackhand Gorge
32. Warbling Vireo - at the velvet ice-cream stop
33. Red-eyed Vireo - same as above + other places
34. Blue jay - several places
35. American Crows - attacking a Red-tailed Hawk - cool!!
36. Purple Martins - flying around the boat at Buckeye lake
37. Tree Swallows - Dawes Arboretum wetlands
38. N. Rough-winged Swallows - streamside near the fish hatchery
39. Cliff Swallow - Dawes Arboretum wetlands
40. Barn Swallows - everywhere!
41. Carolina Chickadees - several places
42. Tufted Titmouse - Blackhand Gorge
43. White-breasted Nuthatch - several places
44. Carolina Wren - Blackhand Gorge
45. House Wren - best looks at our cabins
46. Blue-gray Gnatcatchers - Blackhand Gorge
47. Eastern Bluebirds - mostly along the roads
48. Veery - at Dawes Arboretum while eating lunch!
49. Wood Thrush - seen at the Blackhand Gorge
50. A. Robin - everywhere
51. Gray Catbird - best looks at Dawes Arboretum
52. N. Mockingbird - everywhere!!
53. Brown Thrasher - jumped-out on a back road!
54. E. Starling - mostly along the roads
55. Cedar Waxwings - everywhere
56. Northern Parula - at Blackhand Gorge
57. Yellow Warbler - at the fish hatchery
58. Yellow-throated Warbler - seen at the Octagon Mound in a tree
59. Cerulean Warbler - heard singing at Blackhand Gorge
60. Black & White Warbler - seen at Blackhand Gorge
61. Prothonotary Warbler - seen on the Cranberry Bog Island
62. Ovenbird - seen at Blackhand Gorge
63. Kentucky Warbler - heard once at the Blackhand Gorge
64. C. Yellowthroat - seen at many places
65. Hooded Warbler - seen at Blackhand Gorge
66. Scarlet Tanager - seen at Blackhand Gorge & Flint Ridge
67. Eastern Towhee - seen first at Flint Ridge
68. Chipping Sparrows - everywhere along the roadsides
69. Field Sparrows - at Dawes Arboretum
70. Savannah Sparrow - at the Dawes Arboretum wetlands
71. Song Sparrows - several places
72. N. Cardinal - several places
73. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - heard at Blackhand Gorge
74. Indigo Buntings - along the roadsides on wires
75. Red-winged Blackbirds - everywhere
76. Eastern Meadowlarks - on hay bails and telephone wires
77. Common Grackles - several places
78. Brown-headed Cowbirds - along the roadsides
79. Orchard Oriole - at the cabins near the office
80. Baltimore Oriole - at the cabins in a Pine Tree
81. House Finch - at the feeders at Dawes Arboretum
82. American Goldfinch - same as above
83. House Sparrow - many places around buildings
84. Pileated Woodpeckers - heard at Blackhand George

Extended trip - Wednesday evening through Friday noon.

85. Trumpeter Swans - 4 pairs at The Wilds.
86. Osprey - at The Wilds.
87. N. Harrier - at The Wilds.
88. A. Kestrel - hunting in a hayfield (Only one for the whole trip!!)
89. Red-headed Woodpecker - adult seen on a telephone pole
84. Pileated Woodpecker - seen at Blackhand Gorge - awesome looks!!!
90. Willow Flycatcher - heard at two locations at The Wilds.
91. Horned Larks - seen at The Wilds.
92. Red-breasted Nuthatch - seen at a birdfeeder along the roadside!!!
93. Blue-winged Warbler - nice look along the roadside
94. Prairie Warbler - seen at The Wilds (Life bird for Edna!!)
95. American Redstart - seen along the roadside with the Blue-winged, a Common Yellowthroat, and a Hooded Warbler!!!!
96. Louisiana Waterthrush - nice looks at Blackhand Gorge!
63. Kentucky Warbler - saw him flying and singing at Blackhand Gorge
97. Yellow-breasted Chat - heard him and saw him briefly at The Wilds.
98. Grasshopper Sparrow - seen at The Wilds.
99. Henslow's Sparrow - seen at The Wilds (Life bird for Edna!!)
100. Swamp Sparrow - heard at The Wilds.
101. Bobolink - many seen at The Wilds.

102. Peacocks - at someones home. One huge male and several females plus one albino!!