Oct 18- Bird Census at Magee Marsh
Magee Marsh Wildlife Area's - Monthly Bird Census - Oct 18, 2009.
People involved with count: Lee Garling, Jeff Abke, and Chris Knoll.
Time: 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. Total hours birding: 6 1/2 hours.
Starting Temp. at 8 am: 35 F, Ending Temp. at 2:30 pm: 50 F.
Cloud Cover: O% all day!! A beautiful day. Lake Erie was muddy!!
Wind: Northeast 0 to 5 mph. The breeze was only near Lake Erie.
Comments: A nice couple was also birding on the boardwalk and they had seen the Red-eyed Vireo earlier in the day. We also met a group from the state of New York. They got to see the Blue-headed Vireo, Eastern Wood Pewee, and the Yellow-bellied Flycatcher with us!!
Here is our bird list for Sunday, Oct 18, 2009.
1. Pied-billed Grebe - 6
2. Great Blue Heron - 9
3. Great Egret - 7
4. Black-crowned Night Heron - 1 (flew past BSBO)
5. Trumpeter Swan - 8 (6 flew-in from Lake Erie)
6. Canada Goose - 87
7. Mallard - 27
8. American Black Duck - 6
9. Gadwall - 1
10. Green-winged Teal - 1
11. Wood Duck - 4
12. Lesser Scaup - 6 (Fly-bys on Lake Erie)
13. Red-tailed Hawk - 1 (The day before had a huge migration!)
14. American Coot - 1 (Metzger Marsh had a lot today)
15. Killdeer - 2 flyovers + calling.
16. Greater Yellowlegs - 2 flyovers + calling!
17. Lesser Yellowlegs - 1 at pond by the boardwalk.
18. Herring Gull - 9
19. Ring-billed Gull - 51
20. Bonaparte's Gull - 9
21. Mourning Dove - only 5.
22. Northern Flicker - 2.
23. Downy Woodpecker - 16.
24. Eastern Phoebe - 2.
25. YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER - 1 - WOW!!!! a very, very late bird!
26. Eastern Wood Pewee - 1 (Was with the Yb Fly!)
27. Tree Swallow - 112
28. Bluejay - 3
29. American Crow - 3.
30. Black-capped Chickadee - 8 (numbers are going up!)
31. White-breasted Nuthatch - 2.
32. Brown Creeper - 2.
33. Winter Wren - 14 ( Most were on the boardwalk!!)
34. Carolina Wren - 1.
35. American Robin - 203.
36. Hermit Thrush - 12.
37. Golden-crowned Kinglet - 42.
38. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 31.
39. European Starling - at least 488.
40. Blue-headed Vireo - 1 very friendly bird on the boardwalk!
41. Red-eyed Vireo - 1 still around on the boardwalk!
42. Yellow-rumped Warbler - 12.
43. Red-winged Blackbird - at least 526.
44. Rusty Blackbird - at least 24.
45. Common Grackle - 29.
46. Brown-headed Cowbird - 9.
47. Northern Cardianl - 11.
48. Dark-eyed Junco - 49.
49. Chipping Sparrow - only 1 at the bird center!
50. White-crowned Sparrow - 6.
51. White-throated Sparrow - 74.
52. Fox Sparrow - 2 on walking trail behind bird center.
53. Song Sparrow - 6.
54. American Goldfinch - 11.
55. House Sparrow - 23.
Happy Birding Everyone - Chris Knoll