Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday 5/30/08

Boardwalk - tree leaves are thick now

1. Mourning - 1
2. Canada - many
3. Wilson's - 1
4. A. Redstart - several
5. Blackpoll - several
6. Magnolia - 1
7. Prothonotary - 1 male singing his heart-out
8. Yellow
9. C. Yellowthroat

1. Red-eyed
2. Warbling

1. Olive-sided - 1
2. Great-crested
3. Alder
4. Willow
5. Yellow-bellied
6. E. Wood Pewee
7. E. Kingbird & E. Phoebe

Others on or near boardwalk
1. A. Robins & Swainson's Thrush - singing
2. Cedar Waxwing & Baltimore Oriole
3. House Wren & B.c. Chickadee - young have fledged
4. Rwbb, C. Grackle + B.h. Cowbird

Beach areas
1. Ruddy Turnstones & Killdeer
2. Indigo Bunting - 1 male singing
3. Willow & Alder Flycatchers
4. Common Terns
5. Green Heron - 1
6. Bald Eagle - 1 adult today
7. Herring Gull
8. D.c. Cormorant

1. Great Blue Heron & Great Egrets
2. Trumpeter Swans - 1 pair on nest
3. Mallard & Wood Duck
4. Tree & Barn Swallows

Along the road before the causeway
1. Alder & Willow Flycatchers
2. Brown Thrasher - 1

Thursday May 29th was the last day for garlic mustard pulling!
Most of the volunteers stayed a little while afterwards and got to see the following birds right after they stopped pulling!!
1. Connecticut Warbler
2. Mourning Warbler
The group went down to Oak Harbor for a celebration dinner and had a wonderful time.
Thanks to all the volunteers who pulled this year!!!!
PS - We filled well over 100 bags of Garlic Mustard this spring!!!
Great job everyone and we will see you all next year.

Chris & Mary

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday 5/28/08

Boardwalk list

1. Connecticut - 1 male
2. Mourning - 2
3. Canada - many
4. Wilson's
5. Blackpoll
6. Bay-breasted - 1 female
7. Yellow-rumped - 1 female
8. Chestnut-sided
9. Magnolia
10. Black & White
11. Hooded - 1 female
12. N. Waterthrush
13. B.t. Green
14. Prothonotary
15. Yellow
16. C. Yellowthroat

1. Red-eyed
2. Warbling
3. Phila. - 2 yesterday
4. Blue-headed - 1 yesterday

1. A. Robin
2. Swainson's Thrush
3. Veery & Gray-cheeked Thrush - yesterday

1. Alder
2. Willow
3. Least
4. Great-crested
5. Yellow-bellied
6. E. Phoebe
7. E. Kingbird
8. E. Wood Pewee

1. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
2. B.c. Chickadee
3. R.b. Nuthatch
4. Baltimore Oriole & N. Cardinal
5. House Wrens & A. Goldfinch
6. G. Catbirds & R.t. Hummingbird

Beach areas
1. Ruddy Turnstones & Dunlin
2. Killdeer & Common Nighthawks
3. Bald Eagle & Common Terns
4. Song, Field, & Chipping Sparrows
5. Tree & Barn Swallows, + Purple Martins

Marsh areas
1. Great Blue & Green Heron
2. Great Egret
3. Swamp & Song Sparrows
4. Marsh Wrens - singing
5. Rwbb & C. Grackle
6. Red-tailed Hawk & Turkey Vulture

Monday, May 26, 2008

Monday 5/26/08

Boardwalk only

1. Yellow
2. Chestnut-sided
3. Magnolia
4. B.t. Blue
5. B.t. Green
6. Blackpoll
7. Black & White
8. American Redstart
9. Prothonotary
10. Connecticut
11. Mourning
12. C. Yellowthroat
13. Wilson's
14. Canada

1. E. Wood Pewee
2. Yellow-bellied
3. Acadian
4. Alder
5. Willow
6. Least
7. Eastern Phoebe
8. Great-crested
9. Eastern Kingbird

1. Warbling
2. Red-eyed
3. Yellow-throated - wildlife beach

1. Scarlet Tanager
2. Black-billed Cuckoo
3. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
4. Swainson's Thrush & A. Robin
5. Gray Catbird & Cedar Waxwing
6. R.t. Hummingbird & Chimney Swift
7. Tree & Barn Swallow + Purple Martin
8. Baltimore Oriole & House Wrens
9. A. Goldfinch & N. Cardinal
10. E. Screech Owl & C. Nighthawk
11. Downy Woodpecker & N. Flicker
12. Green Heron & Common Tern