Friday, September 5, 2008

Magee Marsh Birds Friday Sept. 5, 2008

A decent day on the boardwalk...................the following birds were seen.

Warblers: Black Throated Green, Ovenbird, Canada, Black and White, Redstart, N. Waterthrush, Black Throated Blue, Yellow Warbler, Prothonotary, Nashville, Baybreasted, Blackpoll, Tennessee, Blackburnian, Chestnut-sided, Wilson's, Magnolia

Other birds: Red eyed vireo, warbling vireo, Philadelphia, Swainson's thrush, Veery,yellow bellied flycatcher, yellow billed cuckoo, orchard oriole and 2 sandhill cranes.

Happy Birding!

Boardwalk birds for Friday

1. Black & White
2. American Redstart
3. N. Waterthrush
4. B.t. Green
5. B.t. Blue
6. Canada
7. Yellow
8. Ovenbird
9. Wilson's
10. Golden-winged - 9/4
11. N. Parula - 9/4
12. Bay-breasted - 9/4
13. Chestnut-sided - 9/4
14. Mourning - 9/4
15. Magnolia - 9/4
16. Nashville - 9/4
17. Blackburnian - 9/4

Other Species of Note
1. Semi-palmated Sandpiper
2. Belted Kingfisher
3. Veery & Swainson's Thrush
4. E. Phoebe, E. Wood Pewee & Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
5. Carolina & House Wren
6. Red-eyed & Warbling Vireo
7. Black-billed Cuckoo - 9/4

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Boardwalk birds for Wednesday

1. Blue-winged
2. Nashville
3. Black & White
4. Blackpoll
5. A. Redstart
6. Magnolia
7. B.T. Blue
8. Ovenbird
9. N. Parula - 9/2
10. Blackburnian - 9/2
11. N. Waterthrush - 9/2
12. Prothonotary - 9/2
13. B.T. Green - 9/2

1. White-eyed
2. Red-eyed
3. Warbling
4. Philadelphia - 9/2

Other Species
1. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
2. E. Wood Pewee
3. E. Phoebe
4. Swainson's Thrush
5. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
6. Orchard Oriole
7. Baltimore Oriole
8. Rusty Blackbird
9. A. Woodcock -2
10. R.t. Hummingbird
11. Eastern Screech Owl - heard
12. W.b. Nuthatch
13. B.C. Chickadee
14. Downy Woodpecker
15. N. Flicker
16. Carolina Wren
17. House Wren
18. Tree & Barn Swallow
19. Purple Martin
20. Bald Eagle
21. Spotted Sandpiper - beach
22. Ruddy Turnstone - beach
23. Blue jay - center
24. Gray Catbird - center
25. A. Goldfinch - center

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday birds on the boardwalk

1. Chestnut-sided - 1
2. Magnolia - 7
3. Black & white - 1F
4. A. Redstart - 2F
5. Blackburnian - 1F
6. Wilson's - 3
7. C. Yellowthroat - 1
8. Black-throated Blue - 1F
9. Black-throated Green - 1F
10. Blackpoll - 1

1. Warbling - several
2. Red-eyed - 1
3. Philadelphia - 1

Other Species
1. Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1
2. A. Woodcock - 1
3. Baltimore Oriole - 1
4. E. Wood Pewee - 4
5. Least Flycatcher - 1
6. Empidonax Flycatchers - 3
7. Gray Catbird - 5
8. American Robin - 6
9. House Wren - 3
10. N. Flicker - 2
11. Downy Woodpecker - 5
12. C. Grackle - 1
13. N. Cardinal - 4
14. A. Goldfinch - 1
15. E. Starling - 100+
16. Ring-billed Gull - 1
17. Great Blue Heron - 1
18. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1
19. Barn Swallow - 2