Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday - 5/09/08

Boardwalk birds

1. Blackpoll
2. Cape May
3. A. Redstart
4. Yellow
5. Yellow-rumped
6. Palm
7. C. Yellowthroat
8. B.t. Blue
9. B.t. Green
10. Chestnut-sided
11. Black & White
12. Blackburnian
13. Canada
14. Magnolia
15. Nashville
16. N. Parula
17. N. Waterthrush
18. Orange-crowned
19. Pine - Female
20. Ovenbird
21. Prothonotary - with nesting material !!!
22. Tenn.
23. Wilson's

1. White-eyed
2. Red-eyed
3. Blue-headed
4. Warbling

Other birds at or near the boardwalk
1. Winter & House Wren
3. G.C. & Swainson's Thrush
4. American Robin
5. Swamp, Lincoln, Song, & White-throated Sparrows
6. B.C. Chickadee's - nesting on the boardwalk (1st time !!!)
7. R.b. Nuthatch
8. A. Woodcock
9. S. Tanager - Female
10. R.b. Grosbeak
11. Baltimore Oriole
12. Tree, Barn, & N. Rough-winged Swallows
13. Green Heron
14. Gray Catbirds

1. R.b. & Herring Gulls
2. Killdeer
3. D.c. Cormorants

Wildlife Observation Tower - near the center (Dan & Barb Myers)
1. Osprey
2. T.V.
3. Red-tailed Hawk
4. Bald Eagle - entrance of park
5. Common Terns
6. Solitary Sandpiper
7. Downy Woodpecker
8. Eastern Kingbirds - 2
9. G.b. Heron and G. Egret
10. Wood Duck
11. Cape May, Yellow, Palm, B.t. Green, Wilson's & C. Yellowthroat

S.M.B.C. - Nature Center
1. White-crowned Sparrows
2. Eastern Phoebe
3. Purple Martins
4. B.h. Cowbirds. R.W.B.B. & C. Grackle
5. N. Cardinals
6. A. Goldfinch

PS - Glossy Ibis - (2) on Benton Carroll Road around 11:00 am

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Observational Highlights - 05/07/2008

Observers:- Sandy and friends

Wildlife Beach - to the North, West end of Boardwalk

Canada Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Blackburnian Warbler

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday - 5/5/08


1. Blue-winged
2. Tennessee
3. Nashville
4. N. Parula
5. Yellow
6. Chestnut-sided
7. Magnolia
8. Cape May
9. B.t. Blue
10. Yellow-rumped
11. B.t. Green
12. Blackburnian
13. Prairie
14. Palm
15. Bay-breasted
16. Blackpoll
17. Cerulean - f
18. Black & White
19. American Redstart
20. Prothonotary
21. Ovenbird
22. N. Waterthrush
23. Common Yellowthroat

1. White-eyed
2. Yellow-throated
3. Blue-headed
4. Warbling

Others on boardwalk
1. R.b. Nuthatch
2. Lincoln's, Song, Swamp & White-throated Sparrows
3. Baltimore Oriole
4. N. Cardinal & R.b. Grosbeak
5. Purple Finch & A. Goldfinch
6. House Wren
7. G. Catbird & B. Thrasher
8. Veery & A. Robin
9. R.C. Kinglet & B.c. Chickadee
10. E. Phoebe, G.c. Fly, E. Kingbird
11. Downy Woodpecker & N. Flicker

Beaches & Lake
1. Blue Grosbeak - male
2. Ruddy Ducks
3. D.c. Cormorants
4. Killdeer
5. Solitary & Spotted Sandpipers
6. Common Terns

1. American Bittern
2. Yellow-headed Blackbird
3. N. Shoveler
4. Mallard
5. Wood Duck
6. Trumpeter Swan
7. Canada Goose
8. Chimney Swift
9. Cliff, Tree & Barn Swallow

S.M.B.C., Observation Tower & loop trails
1. Great Blue & Green Heron
2. Snowy Egret - pond near BSBO
3. Great Egret
4. Indigo Bunting - feeders
5. White-crowned Sparrows
6. Blue-winged, Yellow, Palm Warblers
7. Bald Eagle - tower
8. SS Hawk - tower
9. Cooper's Hawk - tower
10. Broad-winged Hawk - tower
11. Red-tailed Hawk - tower
12. A. Kestrel - tower
13. Turkey Vulture - tower
14. Purple Martin - martin house behind center
15. Baltimore Oriole - feeders
16. A. Goldfinch
17. C. Grackle, RWBB, B.h. Cowbird, House Sparrow

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Other observations

Thursday evening 05/01/2008

As Laura and I were leaving Magee Marsh, driving across the causeway at about 8:00 pm. four Black-crowned Night Herons flew east across the causeway. They were joined by another two night herons that flew up out of the east marsh.

Saturday, midday 05/03/2008

Wilson's Snipe in the tall grass on the east side of the causeway.

Photograph by Shane Roberts