Monday, June 15, 2009

Magee Marsh Bird Census, June 15, 2009

Hello folks,

Here is a sampling of what's here at Magee in mid-June:

Canada goose
Wood duck
Double-crested cormorant
Great blue heron
Great egret
Black-crowned night heron
Turkey vulture
Bald eagle
Red-tailed hawk
American coot
Killdeer (nesting)
Ruddy turnstone
Ring-billed gull
Herring gull
Common tern
Mourning dove
Black-billed cuckoo
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Eastern screech owl
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Downy woodpecker
Northern flicker
Eastern wood-pewee
Willow flycatcher
Eastern kingbird
Great crested flycatcher
Warbling vireo
Red-eyed vireo
Purple martin
Tree swallow
Barn swallow (nestlings hatched, some ready to fledge)
House wren
Marsh wren
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
American robin
Gray catbird
European starling
Cedar waxwing
Yellow warbler
Prothonotary warbler (nesting near 18B; female feeds and male sings)
Common yellowthroat
Chipping sparrow
Song sparrow
Swamp sparrow
Northern cardinal
Indigo bunting
Red-winged blackbird
Common grackle
Brown-headed cowbird
Baltimore oriole
House finch
American goldfinch
House sparrow

Stop by and see for yourself!

Jim Witter
seasonal naturalist