Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday 5/2/08


1. Blue-winged
2. Nashville
3. Yellow
4. Chestnut-sided
5. Magnolia
6. Black-throated Blue
7. Yellow-rumped
8. Black-throated Green
9. Blackburnian
10. Yellow-throated - 1 bird
11. Pine
12. Palm
13. Blackpoll
14. Black & White
15. American Redstart
16. Ovenbird
17. N. Waterthrush
18. C. Yellowthroat
19. Hooded
20. Wilson's
21. Tennessee

1. White-eyed
2. Blue-headed
3. Warbling
4. Philadelphia

1. Sharp-shinned Hawk
2. Sora - heard
3. C. Tern
4. Whip-poor-will
5. Downy Woodpecker
6. N. Flicker
7. M. Dove
8. G.C. Flycatcher
9. Tree Swallow
10. Barn Swallow
11. Purple Martin
12. B.C. Chickadee
13. Blue jay
14. House & Winter Wren
15, R.C. & G.C. Kinglet
16. Veery & A. Robin
17. Wood, Swainson's, Gray-cheeked & Hermit Thrush
18. Gray Catbird
19. Chipping, Song, & Swamp Sparrows
20. White-throated & White-crowned Sparrows
21. N. Cardinal
22. R.b. Grosbeak
23. Indigo Bunting
24. RWBB, C. Grackle & B.h. Cowbird
25. Baltimore Oriole
26. American Golldfinch - nature center
27. House Sparrow - nature center


1. Great-blue & Green Heron
2. Great Egret
3. D.c. Cormorant
4. A. Coot
5. Mallard
6. S.b. Dowitcher


1. Spotted Sandpiper
2. Killdeer
3. Herring & Bonaparte's Gull
4. Common Tern

Saturday should be very good people!!!! Chris


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