Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday - May 3, 2008


1. Blue-winged
2. Tenn.
3. Nashville
4. N. Parula
5. Yellow
6. Chestnut-sided
7. Magnolia
8. Cape May
9. B.t. Blue
10. Yellow-rumped
11. B.t. Green
12. Pine
13. Palm
14. Blackpoll
15. Cerulean - 1 female
16. Black & White
17. A. Redstart
18. Prothonotary
19. Ovenbird
20. N. Waterthrush
21. L. Waterthrush
22. C. Yellowthroat
23. Hooded Warbler
24. Y.b. Chat

1. White-eyed
2. Blue-headed
3. Warbling
4. Red-eyed

Other birds on boardwalk
1. Y.b. Cuckoo - 1
2. Scarlet Tanager - 2
3. E. Phoebe
4. B.C. Chickadee
5. Downy W. & N. Flicker
6. House Wrens
7. R.C. Kinglets
8. B.g. Gnatcatchers
9. Veery & A. Robin
10. G.c., Wood, Hermit, & Swainson's Thrush
11. Gray Catbirds
12. E. Towhee
13. Bald Eagle
14. Chipping, Song, Swamp, & Lincoln's Sparrows
15. White-throated Sparrows
16. R.b. Grosbeak & N. Cardinal
17. Sora - heard

Loop trail near nature center
1. Y.b. Chat - 1
2. E. Kingbird - 1
3. Rusty Blackbird - heard 1
4. Green Herons - 2
5. SS Hawk - 1
6. W.t. & W.c. Sparrows
7, Yellow-rumped & Palm Warblers
8. Yellows & Blue-winged Warbler
9. C. Yellowthroat

S.M.B.C. - nature center
1. Indigo Bunting - 1 male
2. D.e. Junco - 1
3. White-crowned Sparrows - 14
4. Purple Martins
5. Tree & Barn Swallows
6. Baltimore Oriole - 1 male
7. RWBB, Grackles & B.h. Cowbirds
8. A. Goldfinch - lots of yellow males
9. Chimney Swifts - 2

Wildlife Beach
1. Prairie Warbler - 1 male & singing
2. Blue-headed & White-eyed Vireo
3. Tennessee Warbler
4. Killdeer
5. Solitary Sandpiper
6. Ruddy Duck - on the lake
7. Lesser Scaup - on the lake
8. D.c. Cormorants


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