Saturday 4/26/08
Boardwalk - Warblers & Vireo's
1. Blue-winged
2. Tennessee
3. Orange-crowned
4. Nashville
5. Yellow
6. Chestnut-sided
7. Black-throated Blue
8. Black-throated Green
9. Yellow-rumped
10. Blackburnian
11. Pine
12. W. Palm
13. Black & White
14. Prothonotary
15. Ovenbird
16. N. Waterthrush
17. C. Yellowthroat
18. Hooded Warblers - 3
19. White-eyed Vireo - 2
20. Blue-headed Vireo
21. Warbling Vireo
22. Red-eyed Vireo
Others at the Boardwalk
1. Snowy Egret - flew over to Ottawa NWR
2. G. Blue Heron
3. G. Egret
4. Sora - heard
5. Common Tern
6. M. Dove
7. R.b. Woodpecker
8. Downy Woodpecker
9. N. Flicker
10. Eastern Phoebe - 3
11. Least Flycatcher
12. Great-crested Flycatcher
13. Blue jays
14. Tree Swallows
15. Red-breasted Nuthatch
16. House Wrens
17. G.C. & R.C. Kinglets
18. Blue-gray Gnatcatchers
19. Veery
20. Swainson's Thrush
21. Hermit Thrush
22. Wood Thrush
23. A. Robin
24. Gray Catbirds
25. E. Starlings
26. Eastern Towhee
27. Song Sparrow
28. Lincoln's Sparrow
29. Swamp Sparrow
30. White-throated Sparrow
31. N. Cardinal
32. R.b. Grosbeak - 2
33. Red-winged Blackbirds
34. Rusty Blackbirds
35. C. Grackle
36. Baltimore Oriole
37. American Goldfinch
1. C. Geese
2. Mallard
3. Blue-winged Teal
4. N. Shoveler
Crane Creek State Park - beach area
1. Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs
2. Spotted Sandpiper
3. Killdeer
4. Ruddy Duck
5. Lesser Scaup
6. Bald Eagle
7. Red-tailed Hawk
Sportsman's Migratory Bird Center
1. Purple Martins
2. Barn & Tree Swallows
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