Thursday, April 17, 2008


boardwalk & road edge

1. Prothonotary Warbler - 1
2. N. Parula - 1 male singing
3. Ovenbird - 1 male singing
4. A. Redstart - 1 male
5. Black & White Warbler - 1 male
6. Yellow-rumped Warblers
7. Pine Warbler - 1 male
8. Yellow Warbler - 1 male on the road edge singing
9. Hermit Thrush - many
10. B.G. Gnatcatchers - many
11. White-throated Sparrows - singing
12. Winter Wrens - a few
13. Swamp Sparrow
14. Ruby-crowned Kinglets - several
15. Wood Ducks
16. Eastern Phoebe - 1
17. Sora - heard
18. Virginia Rail - heard
19. Y.b. Sapsuckers - 3
20. Downy Woodpecker & Flickers
21. Brown Thrasher

Wildlife Observation Tower and trails near the center (partial list)

1. Palm Warbler - 1 on walking trail near the center
2. A. White Pelican - 5 seen from the tower
3. Red-tailed Hawks
4. Sharp-shinned Hawks
5. A. Kestrel
6. Bald Eagles
7. Turkey Vultures


1. Short-eared Owl - nice photo by Rick N. in the am
2. Sora's - singing
3. Virginia Rail's - singing

from Chris Knoll


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