July Bird Census
All areas checked are in public observation areas at Magee Marsh.
The walking trails, main road, wildlife beach, boardwalk, & beach ridge.
6:30 am to 12:00 p.m.
1. Great Blue Heron - 41
2. Great Egret - 26
3. Black-crowned Night Heron - 3
4. Canada Geese - 82
5. Mallard - 20
6. Wood Duck - 20
7. Bald Eagle - 2 immatures
8. Osprey - 2
9. Sora - 1 heard
10. Killdeer - 3
11. Spotted Sandpiper - 2
12. Herring Gull - 25
13. Ring-billed Gull - 200
14. Bonaparte's Gull - 9
15. Common Tern - 36
16. Caspian Tern - 2
17. Mourning Dove - 24
18. Chimney Swift - 2
19. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 3
20. Belted Kingfisher - 1
21. N. Flicker - 5
22. Downy Woodpecker - 10
23. Eastern Kingbird - 15
24. Eastern Phoebe - 1 immature
25. Willow Flycatcher - 9
26. Eastern Wood Pewee - 2
27. Tree Swallow - 59
28. Bank Swallow - 58
29. Barn Swallow - 39
30. Purple Martin - 29
31. B.C. Chickadee - 1
32. House Wren - 31
33. Carolina Wren - 2
34. Marsh Wren - 15
35. Gray Catbird - 25
36. Brown Thrasher - 1
37. American Robin - 67
38. Cedar Waxwing - 10
39. European Starling - 14
40. Red-eyed Vireo - 1
41. Warbling Vireo - 16
42. Black & White Warbler - 1F
43. Yellow Warbler - 24
44. Common Yellowthroat - 42
45. Red-winged Blackbird - 96
46. Baltimore Oriole - 3F
47. Common Grackle - 63
48. Brown-headed Cowbird - 2F
49. Northern Cardinal - 13
50. Indigo Bunting - 5
51. Chipping Sparrow - 1
52. Swamp Sparrow - 19
53. Song Sparrow - 36
54. House Finch - 2
55. American Goldfinch - 14
56. House Sparrow - 16
Monday 7/21/08 - Julie Shieldcastle banded 27 Purple Martin young at the Sportsman's Migratory Bird Center.
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