Boardwalk birds for Saturday
1. Orange-crowned - 1
2. Cape May - parking lot
3. W. Palm - parking lot
4. Yellow Palm - parking lot
5. Tennessee - 3
6. Nashville - 1
7. Mourning - 1
8. Black-throated Green - 2
9. Black-throated Blue - 1 male
10. Blackburnian - 2
11. Chestnut-sided - 1
12. Blackpoll - many
13. Bay-breasted - 2
14. American Redstart - many
15. Common Yellowthroat - 2
16. Wilson's - 1
17. Magnolia - 5
18. Canada - 1
19. Northern Waterthrush - 3
20. Northern Parula - 1
1. Warbling
2. Red-eyed
3. Philadelphia
1. A. Robin
2. Veery
3. Swainson's
4. Gray-cheeked
Other species of note
1. Black-billed Cuckoo - 1
2. Eastern Screech Owl - 2
3. Great-horned Owl - 1
4. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1
5. Eastern Phoebe - 1
6. Carolina Wren family & House Wren
7. Chimney Swift - 2
8. Tree Swallow - 2
9. Caspian Tern - 1 flyover
10. Great Blue Heron - 1 flyover
11. Great Egret - 1 in the pond
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